Winter Fundraiser!
Dear friend,
As the year comes to a close, we want to thank YOU for all the amazing ways that you have supported and advocated for peace and justice, and for all the ways you make the world a more beautiful place, simply by existing in your own unique way.
We could not be more grateful to be in community with you, especially in these times.
The recent election brought a wave of complicated emotions for many people, on top of an already heavy year. From the ongoing genocide in Gaza, to an escalating climate crisis, to political corruption and a rampant military and police state, we are not going to sugar-coat the fact that we are facing very uncertain times.
Yet, although the road ahead may be opaque and uncharted, we refuse to back down in our fight for justice and liberation. We are kept strong, resilient, and steadfast in this fight through the strength, resilience, and steadfastness of you, our community.
While the powers that be are doing everything in their power to make us feel isolated, powerless, hopeless and drained, we must build the strength of our movement by nourishing ourselves and each other through the power of community solidarity. That means recognizing both our strengths and limitations, trusting each other to have our backs when we need a moment to recuperate our energy, just as we step up when our allies need a moment to recharge.
To quote our dear friend and beloved teacher, Joanna Macy, ”the biggest gift you can give is to be absolutely present, and when you're worrying about whether you're hopeful or hopeless or pessimistic or optimistic, who cares? The main thing is that you're showing up, that you're here and that you're finding ever more capacity to love this world because it will not be healed without that.”
From the deepest part of our hearts, we sincerely thank you for being present with us.
Recognizing that our collective liberation is interwoven and interdependent, we look forward to another year of working together for radically progressive nonviolent social change.
With Colorado Gives Day one week away, on December 10th, please consider making a donation to help us reach our $15,000 winter fundraising goal, and make your donation go even further by becoming a monthly sustainer.
Colorado Gives will match your first sustaining donation up to $100!
As a small, independent, grassroots nonprofit, every dollar really does make a difference.
With deep gratitude and solidarity,
The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center Staff and Spokes Council: Betty Ball, Sergio Atallah, Jim Nelson, Chris Allred, Giselle Herzfeld, and Adrienne Havey

Thanks to your support this year, we:
Successfully coordinated a campaign to empower Westminster City Council to withdraw from the Rocky Mountain Greenway! This effectively set a new precedent to challenge the development of a mountain biking trail encircling the most contaminated part of Rocky Flats.

Attended and co-organized the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability’s Spring DC Days, with 56 attendees meeting with 71 Congressmembers on nuclear weapons, power, and waste.

Hosted 22 events, co-hosted 25 events, and supported 33 events, including art builds, nonviolence trainings, film screenings, protests, educational events, and more!

Got over 70 media hits on our campaigns this year!

RMPJC staff testified over 30 times at local government meetings to call for a Gaza ceasefire, oppose the Rocky Mountain Greenway, defend Colorado immigrants, and call for police transparency and accountability in Boulder.

Hosted weekly Nuclear Nexus meetings at Naropa University and anti-war demonstrations at Broadway and Canyon.

Joined the Colorado Palestine Coalition, and made over 120 screen-printed signs for protests and marches.

... and so much more, thanks to the power of you, our community!