PSR Rocky Flats Symposium 4/23!

On Saturday, April 23rd, Physicians for Social Responsibility Colorado will be hosting a full-day Symposium on Rocky Flats: Impacts to Environment and Health. This Symposium will feature a panel of 15 expert speakers presenting on topics ranging from the history of Rocky Flats, contamination issues still plaguing the area, legal issues, critical analyses of epidemiological studies, and genetic effects of radiation. You are welcome to join virtually via Zoom, or in-person at the Superior Community Center (1500 Coalton Rd, Superior, CO). The in-person gathering will feature a full-screen viewing of the webinar, followed by a reception to meet and connect with other members of the community! See the PSR Event website for more details! When: Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 8:00am - 5:00pm Where: Virtual event with in-person option at the Superior Community Center at 1500 Coalton Rd, Superior, CO See the Event Information Packet Here