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Nuclear's Promise for Colorado: Hype or Hope?

The current push for nuclear power with House Bill 25-1040 would allow it to syphon off funding intended for renewables. At the same time small nuclear reactors have received much media attention but little scrutiny. However, nuclear carries a number of serious drawbacks that can’t be wished away. Hear about the technical side from Chuck Kutscher, (NREL, CU Boulder) and from Ean Tafoya, State Director for GreenLatinos covering the politics. Please plan to stay for a reception with food, drinks, and conversations afterwards. Free but you're welcome to put something in the basket.

Hybrid event, in-person and live streaming. Ample free parking right outside. Wheelchair accessible, and we have assisted listening devices.

When: Thursday 3/27 from 7 - 9 PM

Where: Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 W. 32nd Ave., 1 mi west of 32nd & Youngfield (Applewood), Golden, CO

Or view the event livestream here


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