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Nuclear Guardianship Update

Earlier this month, the RMPJC staff attended the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) Fall Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, to gather with fellow anti-nuclear activists from around the nation. Over the course of three days, we met with our allies to discuss the future of ANA’s work across various issue areas, including nuclear weapons, waste, and power.

Since 1987, the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center has worked closely with the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability to hold the federal government accountable through citizen education, empowerment, and action. Formed by organizations from communities in the shadows of nuclear weapons facilities, ANA includes more than thirty local, regional, and national organizations concerned about the consequences of US nuclear weapons and waste policies. ANA’s leaders are deeply rooted in communities directly affected by these policies, and we bring our experience to bear in addressing issues of government spending; public accountability; nuclear nonproliferation; waste cleanup, treatment and disposition; and the health and safety of workers, the public and the environment.

We look forward to building on our momentum this year, and broadening the reach of our national coalition, as we head into another strong year of organizing for Nuclear Guardianship!


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