Mark Your Calendar: Public Comment to Boulder City Council on April 6th
On Tuesday, April 6th at 6pm, it is crucial that the community shows up in numbers to oppose the Rocky Mountain Greenway, a proposed mountain biking trail intended to encircle Rocky Flats, one of the most contaminated former nuclear weapons sites in the U.S. This will be the final Boulder City Council meeting before they hold a study session on April 13th, where they will be hearing a presentation on Rocky Flats and deciding on their continued participation in the Rocky Mountain Greenway. See the Rocky Mountain Greenway Action Toolkit for action items, background information, talking points, and instructions to register for public comment. What we are asking: First, we are demanding that the Boulder City Council hold a balanced study session on April 13th, featuring experts from the community who have concerns regarding the safety of public recreation at Rocky Flats. Second, we are asking that they withdraw their participation in the Rocky Mountain Greenway. When: Registration for public comment is now officially open, and will close on Monday, April 5th at 2pm. The Boulder City Council meeting will begin at 6pm on Tuesday, April 6th. Where: Register Here to speak at the virtual City Council Meeting