D.C. Days Highlights 2023

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, ANA members and delegations met with over 50 offices in U.S. congress to advocate on behalf of down-winders across the country.

RMPJC's former staff member and current volunteer Giselle Herzfeld won the 2023 Alliance for Nuclear Accountability's Bill Mitchell Grassroots Activist of the Year Award!! CONGRATS GISELLE!
Ian Zabarte of Native Community Action Council in Las Vegas, NV, won Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud "Unsung Hero" Award from Beyond Nuclear and ANA.
Karen Hadden of Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Coalition in Austin, TX also won Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud "Unsung Hero" Award from Beyond Nuclear and ANA.
THE GOLDEN RULE sailboat, a Veterans for Peace Project, won a general ANA award for peacemaking.
At Sunday training, people come together to learn how we will speak to congress and what we will speak to them about. In the picture, we discuss the current existing problems with Nuclear waste and what we are advocating for to clean it up.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, ANA members and delegations met with over 50 offices in U.S. congress to advocate on behalf of down-winders across the country.
In the evenings and our free time, RMPJC staff took time to connect with other delegations and organizations to strengthen the coalition. Pictured from top left: morning coffee and getting to know folks at Sunday Training