February 13th, The Atomic Film Series: Prometheus

When: Thursday February 13th, 7-9pm
Where: Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302, in the Sycamore Building Room 8140
Join us for a screening of Ridley Scott’s epic prequel to the Alien series, Prometheus. After the screening, there will be a discussion about the existential themes such as advanced civilizations, the origin of life on Earth, and the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction. A free event and open to the public. Viewer discretion advised. Rated R for sci-fi violence including some intense images, and brief language

From Arapahoe, turn South on 20th St. (Snarfburger is at the corner of 20th and Arapahoe). Then turn left on Marine St. and go East to the parking lot at Naropa University. The Sycamore building is highlighted in purple on the map.