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ACTION ALERT: Jefferson County Budget 2020, Tuesday November 12th

Jefferson County Commissioners

Public Hearing regarding the 2020 Budget

When: Tuesday, November 12th, 8am

Where: Jefferson County Administration and Courts Building, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, CO 80419

Jefferson County is facing a $16.1M budget shortfall in 2020, and plans to cut services like law enforcement, ballot processing, facilities management, and others. These cuts will have an impact on public safety, according to county officials, and will stretch into 2021 as well. For more information see

ACTION ALERT: Contact the Jefferson County Commissioners and ask them to stop funding the Jefferson Parkway. Jefferson County's 2020 budget includes a $1M placeholder for the Jefferson Parkway, according to an October 24th email from Deputy County Manager Kate Newman. Now that the budget is facing a $16.1 million shortfall, the Jefferson Parkway should be the first expense removed in the interest of public health and safety.

Please contact the Jefferson County Commissioners: (Libby Szabo) (Casey Tighe) (Lesley Dahlkemper)

The proposed route of the Jefferson Parkway traverses land adjacent to Rocky Flats, a former nuclear weapons plant that manufactured 70,000 plutonium bomb triggers, 1952-1989.

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