Take Action: BoCo SURJ Letter Writing
Wednesday, August 9th, 6:30-8:30 pm
First Congregational Church, 1128 Pine Street, Boulder
Saturday, August 12, 10 am - 12 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, 5001 Pennsylvania Ave
SURJ will be focused on two very important issues in Boulder County, and we need your voice and letters.
1. We will be writing letters to Boulder City Council asking them to consider the findings of the Inclusivity Report and its focus on access to affordable housing. There are a number of specific asks around affordable housing that we'll be addressing they'll be voting on some changes in September and we want to make sure there is a racial analysis in their considerations.
2. We will be supporting the SURJ Families group's efforts in getting the libraries to eliminate racist songs and stories from their programming.