RMPJC Collectives
NEW! Critical Media Literacy Collective
We will use The Global Critical Media Literacy Project Educators Resource Guide to guide us in discerning truth from propaganda and how to spread this information to others in our community. If you are interested, please contact Carolynbn@earthlink.net or 720-509-3378.
Nuclear Nexus
Tuesdays, 12-2 pm
Organizes to keep people safe from nuclear waste at Rocky Flats
Near Lucky's Market in North Boulder
Call Judith at 303-815-6515 for exact location.
Global Peace Collective
2nd and 4th Mondays of the month
Works against U.S. empire and for a just foreign policy
Call Carolyn at 720-509-3378 or email her at Carolyn@rmpjc.org
Economic Justice Collective
Works against corporate trade deals that undermine democracy, workers, the environment, etc. Call Carolyn at 720-509-3378 or Carolyn@rmpjc.org