First Marshal Trainings, Saturday March 25th
Update: Marshal Trainings & Train-the-Trainer
When: Saturday, March 25, 12-5 pm (see details below for more specific time)
Where: Unity of Boulder Spiritual Center, 2855 Folsom Street
The Marshal Trainings for the People's Climate March on April 29th** are starting March 25th! In response to requests, we have revised the schedule for the trainings on March 25th. We have a few training options available on the 25th: Option A: 12-2 pm For people who want to be marshals Option B: 2-4 pm For people who want to be marshals Option C: 4-5 pm For people who want to learn how to train others on how to be a marshal REGISTER HERE. Anyone who wishes to become a trainer and help us conduct ongoing trainings that will be scheduled leading up to the April 29th March should sign up for the 2 - 4 PM Training and remain for the additional training from 4 - 5 PM. If you cannot attend the 2 - 4 training but do want to attend the 4 - 5 Training for Trainers, feel free attend the earlier training from 12-2 pm and return later in the day at 4 pm for Option C. Don't worry if these trainings fill up. On March 20th we'll have some additional trainings available. Questions? email and put Marshal trainings in subject line. Or call Betty at303-903-0412. Thanks! **While we are saying these trainings are for the People's Climate March, they are actually applicable for any marches, rallies, vigils. The skill sets for keeping things calm and orderly so everyone has a great time are the same for all of these situations. So come ahead and attend even if you are not able to attend the April 29th Climate March! Co-hosted by 350 Colorado and Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center