March 9th, Joanna Macy on Liberation Dharma in the Time of the Great Unraveling

March 9: Liberation Dharma in the Time of the Great Unraveling with Joanna Macy, Boulder Shambhala Center, 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. Register with the Boulder Shambhala Center (link below). General admission: $25, Students: $10.
As we face what is happening to our country, our world--from accelerating climate chaos to oppressive use of police and surveillance powers--we can also discern guidance to be found in the Buddha Dharma. The ancient teachings serve not only to steady the mind, but also to reveal the power and promise of Sangha for both resistance and creative change.
March 10-12:
**Three-day Weekend Intensive
with Joanna Macy in the Work that Reconnects**
This workshop is currently full, although you are welcome to use the link below to sign up for the waitlist!
The Power of the Work that Reconnects in this Time of Challenge with Joanna Macy: Fri, Sat, Sun: 9am-5 p.m. at Nalanda Events Center. General admission: $400; Naropa faculty, staff & Seniors: $350; Students: $200.
Full commitment to all three days required for participation. This is not a residential retreat; lodging not included. Register:
The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers in the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization. This is the aim of the Work That Reconnects: help us take part in the epochal shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization. This Great Turning is happening now on many fronts. In order to do this, we pursue these contributing goals:
• to provide people the opportunity to experience and share with others their innermost responses to the present condition of our world • to reframe their pain for the world as evidence of their interconnectedness in the web of life, and hence of their power to take part in its healing • to provide people with concepts--from systems science, deep ecology, or spiritual traditions--which illumine this power, along with exercises which reveal its play in their own lives • to provide methods by which people can experience their interdependence with, their responsibility • to, and the inspiration they can draw from past and future generations, and other life-forms • to enable people to embrace the Great Turning as a challenge which they are fully capable of meeting in a variety of ways, and as a privilege in which they can take joy • to bring people into mutual support and collaboration in working for the world