March 3rd, Sanctuary City Celebration

Sanctuary City Celebration, Fri, March 3 @ 7 @ Shine
Dear Friends,
You are invited to join INVST and the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition for a
Sanctuary City Celebration on Friday, March 3, 2017 at 7 pm at Shine, located at 2027
13th Street in Boulder.
Join us as we gather together in celebration of Boulder becoming a Sanctuary City for
immigrants and refugees. We will celebrate our diverse community, as we continue to
mobilize and build an intersectional movement for inclusive social justice.
City council member Mary Young will speak; Motus Theatre will perform a monologue;
Roka Hueka will perform Latin-ska & several local organizations will come & share resources, including CIRC, the Inspired Dreamers @ CU, Intercambio, GENESISTER of Boulder County Public Health, Philanthropiece Foundation, the law clinic at CU, the School of Education, CU Engage, INVST & more.
We thank Motus Theater for co-sponsoring our event.
Tickets: $15 suggested donation
To buy tickets in advance:
Tickets will also be available at the door. All proceeds benefit CIRC, & help INVST
build a scholarship fund for DACA students & Dreamers who are working for social
justice. While we suggest $15 at the door, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Attached is our poster & you can also share the event on Facebook:
If you cannot attend but you’d like to donate to the scholarship fund, please visit: