On February 20th, Earth Guardians invite you to attend: #YOUTHVGOV MARCH UNITED FOR A FRACK FREE COL

On February 20th, Earth Guardians invite you to attend: #YOUTHVGOV MARCH UNITED FOR A FRACK FREE COLORADO
Let's meet on the west steps of the Capitol to march and show solidarity with the six youth who brought the fracking and climate lawsuit against the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission! We will march, sing, and rally together to show the Colorado Court of Appeals the immense support this case has. The youth argue the Commission has a statutory and constitutional obligation to prioritize protection of public health and the environment over oil and gas development. On the Following day February 21st, the youth have their hearing and we need your help to flood the court room! Share our Media Tool Kit far and wide to raise awareness about this historic case.
The young plaintiffs, members of Earth Guardians supported by attorneys with Our Children's Trust, believe this case is critical for stopping dangerous fracking, which threatens water supplies, air quality, the climate system, and consequently public health and safety. On the day following the march, February 21, 2017 at 1:30 pm, lawyers representing the youth plaintiffs, and lawyers for the Commission and fossil fuel industry, will make oral arguments before the Colorado Court of Appeals in Denver. RSVP FOR EVENT HERE.