Peaceful NoDAPL Action in Boulder and Denver this Friday February 10th
Link to event in Boulder
Divest the Pipelines, Denver
There will be a peaceful action this Friday from noon to 3pm,Friday the 10th at the U.S. Department of Commerce (Boulder Labs) headquarters at 325 South Broadway. This is a call to the Unity people and the Boulder Community who have been involved in the helping by giving items, food, etc for the people at Standing Rock and also to those who have gone up there to help. This whole issue is about the sanctity of water given to us by the Creator. The Standing Rock Sioux are protectors of the water in that area not only for themselves, but for all of Creation. This issue is not a political issue, it is an issue about protecting the water, the earth, the air, for seven generations in the future, a statement that should be part of the oath our House of Representatives, Senators, and President takes when going into office.
Link to event in Boulder
Divest the Pipelines
Friday, February 10 at 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM MST
Starts in about 10 hours · 11° Partly Cloudy
Colorado State Capitol
200 E Colfax Ave, Denver, Colorado 80203

We stand with the tribe in their request for an injunction to prevent the easement from being granted immediately. You can find the joint statement from Standing Rock and Cheyenne River at
Act Now to Stand for Standing Rock
Yesterday the Department of Army announced they will grant the final easement for the Dakota Access pipeline to go underneath the Missouri River. The decision not only violates treaty law, it completely ignores the environmental analysis ordered by the Obama Administration.
With this action, the courts also waived the standard 15-day legislative comment period, which means the easement can be granted as early as tomorrow. This is a dangerous attack on our water! We need everyone to act now to insure that this pipeline does not get built under the Missouri River, threatening the people of Standing Rock and the millions of Americans who live downstream.
In Denver on Friday, Feb. 10. Meet at the Market Street Station at 2:30
Send a Message to the Army Corps:
The Army Corps of Engineers are disregarding the comments from more than 200,000 water protectors who have called for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the easement. We need everyone to comment before Thursday at 5:00 PM when our friends at Indigenous Environmental Network and others will deliver comments in DC. You can comment through their website and find 25 issues with the easement.
We need as many people as possible to engage right now and these are simple ways you can take action. Send your comments, send your prayers, divest your money from banks supporting the pipeline and prepare to protect.If you know other actions happening in the coming days let us know and update the calendar at
Love and solidarity.
Earth Guardians team