CU Inspired Dreamers Write-A-Thon at KGNU Saturday December 3rd

We'll be writing letters to our elected & CU officials from 9 am - 9 pm. We will be at KGNU, at 4700 Walnut in Boulder. Drop by for as long or as little as you can, & grab some free food while you are with us.
Hi, everyone! We would like to invite you to the event that is being hosted this coming Sat, Dec 3rd by the InspiredDreamers @ CU. They would love for you to attend, please.
Below is a letter explaining the event in detail, and attached is a flyer. Please share it with your networks. We hope to have a wonderful turnout. Hope to see you this Saturday, any time from 9 am - 9 pm at KGNU Community Radio at 4700 Walnut in Boulder.
Dear Student Groups at CU Boulder,
We are the Inspired Dreamers at CU Boulder. InspiredDreamers was formed to build a support network for current and future undocumented/ASSET/DACA/Refugee students on campus in the Spring of 2016. As a group we have been working to collaborate with other on-campus and local Boulder organizations in order to facilitate the dispersion of academic, financial and other resources. Above all, we feel that our most significant contribution is being able to provide a voice for a student population that is rapidly growing at CU Boulder, but often forgotten. This population very much exists and we ask to be heard! Inspired Dreamers strives to create change by engaging in educating the general public and campus officials regarding policy and laws that affect theDreamer community at the University of Colorado Boulder.
You are receiving this letter because you have shown interest in helping our group achieve its goals or we believe you would help us achieve our goals. We are particularly seeking your allyship in wake of the recent presidential election results. We understand that several actions have been planned and are being planned to help the communities impacted by such results. Inspired Dreamers would like to participate in the community support and actions taking place right now. We will be hosting a Write-A-Thon, in which, YOUget to make a difference by writing letters to local and state congressmen and congresswomen and university officials (chancellor, administration, or other influential individuals on campus). We will write to these people urging their support and proper representation of our immigrant community.
We understand that there are many communities impacted by the results of the election and would like to help each via the write-a-thon; however, at the time InspiredDreamers would like to keep the focus of the write-a-thon on immigration issues. We would like to write letters to legislators from our immigration experiences and ask that as allies you write letters from your perspective of having relationships with individuals in the immigrant community.
We have had several groups and individuals already reach out to us wanting to help. This is great news because being a new group, we are seeking guidance and help from those with experience. Additionally, we have extended an invitation to faculty, staff, and other resources and would like it if you continued to spread the word about the Write-A-Thon. We hope that in doing this, they will also participate in the Write-a-Thon by providing the information and tools necessary to make this event the most impactful!
Our visions for the ways in which you all can help are by researching Colorado state and local legislators and where they stand on immigration, spreading the word to others who want to take part, and/or coming to the Write-A-Thon onDecember 3rd, 2016 from 9am-9pm at KGNU Community Radio, 4700 Walnut St.
The event will consist of speakers (attorneys, law experts, faculty) and we hope to be providing food. Of course these plans are still in the works and waiting on approval and confirmation, so we will continue to keep you all updated. An agenda of the event will be sent out as soon as it is finalized. We will keep you informed with any updates to this event and we hope to see you soon!
If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Inspired Dreamers Executive Team
Sabrina Sideris
Program Director, INVST