County Commissioners extend temporary moratorium on processing oil and gas development applications

Picture from November 15th Public Hearing, standing room only in the hallway
On Nov. 17, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 2016-130 (141 KB) formalizing an extension of the temporary moratorium on processing oil and gas development applications through the end of January 2017. See announcement.
County Commissioners extend temporary moratorium on processing oil and gas development applications
Public hearing scheduled for Dec. 13 to consider status of moratorium. Written comments only requested ahead of the 12/13 public hearing.
Written comment may be emailed to: Comments may also be sent via U.S. Mail, or dropped off at the Commissioners’ Office, 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl Street in Boulder. The public is encouraged to provide input on issues related to the final set of regulations (to be posted on the Oil and Gas Development webpage) that might impact the length of the moratorium.
On Tuesday, Nov. 15, the Board of County Commissioners held a 6-hour public hearing on DC-16-0004 Amendments to Oil and Gas Development Regulations.
Following the Nov. 15 public testimony and discussion, the BOCC gave direction to staff to further investigate specific public health and safety issues related to oil and gas development operations, and to pursue changes to the Draft oil and gas Regulations before the BOCC acts to adopt them.
Since staff would not have been able to complete the requested work by Friday, Nov. 18, the date on which the existing moratorium was set to expire, the BOCC extended the moratorium on an emergency basis.
At the Dec. 13 public hearing, staff will provide an estimate of the time needed to complete the requested research and develop amendments to the proposed regulations.