Please collect letters against the TPP to deliver to the Boulder office of Representative Polis Thur

Please collect letters against the TPP for Rep. Polis from your friends and relatives and bring them with you on Thursday (see talking points below). People can also send their letters to Rep. Polis at
Rep. Polis will not be at his office on Thursday, so we will be delivering the letters to his staff. Your presence is important.
Food and Water Watch and the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center will be delivering hundreds of handwritten letters from constituents in CD2 to Congressman Jared Polis asking him to oppose and vote against the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The groups will also be present a letter opposing the TPP from several state legislators in Congressman Polis' district.
Thursday, Nov. 10 at 12 noon
Congressman Jared Polis' office, 1644 Walnut (corner of Walnut and 17th Streets), Boulder
Reasons that Congressman Polis should oppose the TPP include the following :
The TPP Means Expansion of Corporate Power Over Government and Our Lives. The TPP is branded as a "free trade" agreement between twelve nations, but at its heart are new rights and privileges for investors and corporations. The TPP would expand and lock in corporate power. The TPP elevates individual corporations to equal status with nations, empowering them to sue governments at foreign tribunals of three private attorneys to get paid unlimited taxpayer dollars for federal, state or local laws they claim undermine their profits.
TPP Means More Fracking and Climate Chaos. The TPP will mandate approval of all liquefied natural gas exports, significantly increasing fracking and carbon pollution while damaging communities and impacting the environment. Government attempts to protect public health, the environment and communities will be subject to corporate suits.
TPP Means Job Loss and Lower Wages. The TPP includes rules that make it easier to offshore more American jobs. It would gut Buy America preferences for government contracts, offshoring our tax dollars instead of reinvesting them here at home to create jobs and spur innovation. The TPP would lower our wages by throwing Americans into competition with workers in Vietnam making less than 65 cents an hour. A recent study found TPP would spell pay cuts for all but the richest 10 percent of us. It would reward firms exploiting labor in low-wage TPP countries.
TPP Means Floods of Unsafe Imported Food. The TPP threatens our families' health and safety. It would require us to import food that does not meet U.S. standards and would let agribusiness challenge safety inspections.
TPP Means Higher Medicine Prices. The TPP would reduce access to life saving medicines in TPP countries and lock in high drug prices by granting pharmaceutical firms new monopoly privileges to block generic competition and raise drug prices. It also would grant firms new rights to challenge governments' cost saving decisions for programs like Medicare and Medicaid,
More info on TPP at
First Town Hall meeting:
Second Town Hall:
For more info: or 720-509-3378.