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RMPJC 40th Anniversary
news, events and action alerts
Media Coverage on Rocky Flats
KGNU Broadcast: Efforts Continue to Block Opening of Rocky Mountain Wildlife Refuge with Randall Weiner, Michelle Gabrieloff-Parish, and...

There Is No Refuge From Nuclear War or Nuclear Waste: Rocky Flats in Context, September 15th
When: Saturday, September 15th, 7 pm Where: Performing Arts Center, Naropa University, 2130 Arapahoe Ave. A panel discussion. This is a...
Protest of Rocky Flats as a "Wildlife Refuge" September 15th
When: Saturday, September 15th, 1 - 3:30 pm Where: U.S. EPA Region 8, 1595 Wynkoop St, Denver Join ex-workers, scientists, public...
Atomic Film Series: The Nuns, the Priests, and the Bombs, September 27th
When: Thursday, September 27th, 7 pm Where: Naropa University, 2130 Arapahoe Ave "The Nuns, the Priests, and the Bombs" Nuclear...
New Signage at Rocky Flats Refuge Ignores Mandatory Warning Language
Law Offices of Randall M. Weiner, P.C. 3100 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 E-mail: for further...
SIGN MAKING AND MEETING PREP for September 15th Protest, September 8th
When: Saturday, September 8th, 3 - 4:30 pm Where: Jefferson Public Library, 8485 Kipling St, Arvada Bring your cardboard, poster...

There is No Refuge from Nuclear War or Nuclear Waste: A Rocky Flats Panel Event, September 15th
When: Saturday, September 15th, 7 pm - 9 pm Where: Performing Arts Center, Naropa University, 2130 Arapahoe Ave Mark you calendar!...
Peaceful Rally at CDPHE, August 30th
When: Thursday, August 30th, 12 pm Where: 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver We are rallying at CDPHE to practice mindfulness and...

Rocky Flats Right to Know Meeting, August 29th
When: Wednesday, August 29th, 7 pm Where: Barnes and Noble, 9370 Sheridan Blvd, Westminster City Center Lecture and book signing by...

URGENT: Rocky Mountain Greenway Public Comment Due August 24th
Please make public comment to prevent public recreation at Rocky Flats. More info at the JeffCo website. For your reference, here are...
Update: RMPJC v USFWS Lawsuit
CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION TODAY TO PREVENT THE OPENING OF ROCKY FLATS Judge Brimmer did not rule in our favor to halt construction at the...
Rocky Mountain Greenway Public Comment, DUE AUGUST 24th
Comments are due by August 24th Please make public comment to prevent public recreation at Rocky Flats. More info at the JeffCo website. ...
Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority (JPPHA) Board Meeting, August 16th
When: Thursday, August 16th, 3 pm (meetings the 3rd Thursday of each month) Where: Arvada City Hall, 8101 Ralston Rd. Please make...
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