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RMPJC 40th Anniversary
news, events and action alerts
Action Alerts
Block U.S. War on Venezuela Email and call your Representatives and Senators to Block U.S. War on Venezuela Fairness of Farmworkers Act...

ACTION ALERT Contact Congress: Keep Rocky Flats Closed
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) plans to open the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge for public recreation this summer. It...
Action Alerts 3/7/2018
Ban Assault Weapons Tell Congress to Support H.R. 5087 Protect the Open Internet TELL CONGRESS TO BRING BACK NET NEUTRALITY PROTECTIONS...
Action Alert: Sign the petition to protect immigrants
Trump's attacks on immigrants are escalating. The administration announced this week that it will end Temporary Protected Status (TPS)...
ACTION ALERT: Tell U.S. to Join Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Possession
Tell U.S. to Join Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Possession A treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons was adopted on July 7th 2017....

Action Alert: Defend communities' rights to create clean local power!
Hey climate and democracy protectors! Please show your support for clean, local power! Our CO Public Utilities Commission needs to hear...
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