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RMPJC 40th Anniversary
news, events and action alerts
We Want to Hear From YOU!
Our membership outreach committee is working hard to build and strengthen relationships with our supporters. Your feedback will help us...

Boulder City Council Candidates Forum, October 6th
When: Friday October 6th, 6:00 PM Where: First Congregational Church (1128 Pine St.) Co-hosted by NAACP Boulder Authorized Committee,...
How Do We Avoid War with North Korea? October 4th
When: Wednesday, October 4th, 6:30 - 8pm Where: Boulder Public Library, Boulder Creek Room, 1001 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO ...
Peaceful Vigil at Silo N8, October 7th
When: Saturday, October 7th, 1:00pm A trip to Silo N8, where they were arrested, to vigil, to pray, to experience the vast paradox...
Action Alert: De-Escalate Tensions with North Korea
Click here to contact your member of Congress and demand they speak out against Trump's threats to start a nuclear war with North Korea!...
Action Alert: Tell Congress: Stop fueling war in Yemen
Tell Congress: Stop fueling war in Yemen. Yemen is facing a massive humanitarian catastrophe and we need your help to stop it. American...

Rally at the Capitol: KEEP ROCKY FLATS CLOSED, September 30th
When: Saturday, September 30th, 11am - 2:30pm Where: Colorado State Capitol, 200 E Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 11am Music and Food 1pm...
SJC's Just Watch: Dolores September 29th
When: Friday, September 29th, 7pm - 9pm Where: Landmark's Mayan Theater, 110 Broadway, Denver, CO The Social Justice Collective is...
Anti-War Demonstration, September 30th
When: Saturday, September 30th, 11am - 12pm Where: Canyon and Broadway, Boulder We'll carry signs opposing wars against Russia, Syria,...
ACTION ALERT: De-escalate Tensions with North Korea
Contact your member of Congress and demand they speak out against Trump's threats to start a nuclear war with North Korea!
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