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RMPJC 40th Anniversary
news, events and action alerts
Action Alerts 12/4/17
ÂÂÂÂÂSign two petition to save Net Neutrality 1. Battle for the Net 2. Save Net Neutrality Demand Reasonable Limits on "Russiagate"...
Speak out against the tax reform plan
Please call Senator Cory Gardner to express your opposition to the tax reform plan. The plan will radically benefit the wealthy and large...
Introduction to Direct Action for Front Line Communities
When: Sunday, December 3rd, 12pm - 3pm Where: Scornavacco Family Karate, 640 S Sunset St., Longmont, CO Join the Boulder County...
Action Alert: We have just 3 weeks to save net neutrality.
Contact Congress today.

Double Your Impact!
November Matching Gift Campaign! RMPJC is a consistent presence in the community working towards peace and justice. Donate today to...

Thank you to everyone who made it out to our 20th Annual Peacemakers of the Year Award Ceremony!
It was another successful year. We celebrated our peacemakers with music, cake, and laughter. Because of your support, we are able to...
Join Bee Heroic & Lucky Pie Pizza, December 2nd & 3rd
Bee Heroic Presents: Colorado SOS (Save Our Soils) Introduction to Climate Engineering When: Saturday, December 2nd, 11am - 1:30pm Where:...
Interactive Book Talk & Conversation with Penny Rosenwasser, December 7th
When: Thursday, December 7th, 7pm Where: Congregation Nevei Kodesh, 1925 Glenwood Dr, Boulder Penny Rosenwasser, author of Hope Into...
When I Dare to be Powerful Workshop, December 9th
When: Saturday, December 9th, 10am - 5pm Where: Rabbi Tirzah Firestone's Beit Kesem (Address given upon registration) $36-72 sliding...
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