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RMPJC 40th Anniversary
news, events and action alerts
Visiting activist looking to borrow mattress
A visiting activist would like to borrow a twin-size mattress while he's in town. If you have such a mattress to offer, please call John...

Clearing-out of Boulder RMPJCer's home means possible free treasures for you!
RMPJCer Matt Nicodemus is now heavy into clearing out non-essential items from his parents' North Boulder home. All manners of objects...
Veterans for Peace Meeting: January 7th
When: Sunday, January 7th, 6pm Where: First United Methodist Church, 1421 Spruce St. Boulder, CO David Barsamian will speak: his passion,...
Mark Your Calendar! Reunion Weekend April 27th - 29th
3 Milestones are Upon Us: A Reunion Weekend to Celebrate Activism in the Community When: April 27th - 29th Where: Boulder, CO We will be...
Educational Opportunity: Propaganda 101
Propaganda 101 is a series of 5 programs covering the foundational work of media critics who have been featured in our broadcasts. Media...
Alternatives to the City's Current Banking Provider, December 19th
When: Tuesday, December 19th, 8pm Where: Municipal Bldg, 1777 Broadway, Boulder The City of Boulder will be holding a Public Hearing on...
March for a Free and Open Internet, December 20th
When: Wednesday, December 20th, 5pm Begin at 5:00pm at Union Station. March east toward the Capitol on the 16th street mall accompanied...
Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority Board Meeting, December 21st
When: Thursday, December 21st, 3pm Where: Arvada City Hall, 8101 Ralston Rd Please make public comment to prevent this dangerous...

Anti-War Demonstration, December 23rd
When: Saturday, December 23rd, 11am - 12pm Where: Canyon and Broadway, Boulder, CO We'll carry signs opposing wars against Russia, Syria,...
Action Alert: Tell Senator Gardner and Rep Coffman to oppose the Tax Reform bill
The independent Tax Policy Center estimates will give 80% of the benefits of the tax bill to the richest 1% of taxpayers. This isn't tax...
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